Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Back from Rockport, was not able to post as we stayed in a hotel and I left my laptop here in SA. It wasn't so hard since i was at the beach most of the time but still texting is the biggest issue. I stayed over there for three days and not once did i watch TV. Like i said before i have absolutely no problem not watching TV, i feel its just manipulating; people get influenced so much just by what they watch besides most shows that air now-a-days are extremely stupid! The Hills...and well pretty much everything on MTV. its so sad that people actually watch that on their down time. At any rate i think i did pretty well on this project besides my not being able to stop texting! The reason why i think texting is my predominant way of communication is because every one is always working or busy and texting is fast and quiet. i think i could have called everyone i text but its just habit and what years of using this particular kind of technology does. Its funny how over the years technology is to enhance the experience of life by making things easier however, its only lessening ourselves physically. Humans are capable of so much more but now we are always just looking for the easy way out, always looking for and easier faster way. we want things to be done fast for what? to have extra time, but not to spend with our family or exercise to better ourselves but to get on the Internet, watch TV, or do some other activity that excludes human interaction. Realizing this makes me feel awful. just to know that i couldn't go only two days with out texting is mind bottling. I think this experience has really made me want to indulge in more physical activities, and more human interaction as oppose to mere texting or contacting people via the Internet. although most people will never realize this, and only lose out on family time and spending time in a more meaningful way.

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