im trippin
Basically like i said earlier i dont have internet at home, thats why I couldnt blog (even though im addicted now.. can you tell by all the comments I post? Anyway I'm gonna be honest about the media deprivation project for sunday... i didnt participate in the media deprivation project for sunday (lmao)
woke up and listen to damien marleys' "welcome to jamrock"
not the song, the album, yes the whole album (lol)
I went down to eat breakfast and turned on the t.v. like it was the normal thing to do.
All day I used my phone except when that certain person texted and then all of a sudden I couldnt use my phone anymore.
I actually had a powerpoint due at midnight which I needed to go on facebook to ask a question about AND the powerpoint needed multiple youtube music video clips.
So afterwards I swing by a friends house and watch the game from the tivo and realize that I'm suppossed to not be involved with the media so I bounce out of the real fast and go home and study for my finals..
At this point in time I'm on god mode with the deprivation..
Females txting me and I deny them! haha so proud of myself, except for a party invite I had to see what was up with that otherwise it was a strong finish.
Shout out to all who followed the rules you guys are gangsters!!
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