Saturday, May 1, 2010
Day 1: So Far, So Good!
I later worked on a power point presentation. I think the hardest part of this media deprivation project is the music part. While working on my laptop, songs would pop into my head. I would almost pull up my music player or YouTube to start listening to music, but would then sadly remember that I could not. Thankfully, I play the piano, and spending some time on the instrument (as well as singing to myself) helped satisfy the desire for music. :)
On the way home from a birthday party this evening, my little brothers turned on a movie in the van. I was sitting in the back so, of course, I could not avoid watching Pixar’s Monsters Inc. But I wasn’t too disappointed. ;)
If life was not so busy and school was not still going, I think it would be very interesting – and maybe even refreshing – to try a complete mass media blackout. No internet, television, phones, etc whatsoever. When I’ve been out camping before, I have done this, but it has not been in an everyday setting, which I’m sure would be much harder.
It is interesting what kind of hold these extra little things have on us. They have actually become a need to many. I do not think the concept of “needing” things that we don’t really need is anything new. Yes, nowadays we “need” texting, internet, music, and so forth. Even non media related things, such as microwaves, washing machines, and dishwashers have become a necessity. I can’t help but wonder what types of things people “needed” years ago? What did the older generation of those times see as overused and/or unnecessary? But I definitely think we take our communications now for granted. If I lived just a few decades ago, phone calls across the country would be very rare…out of the country, almost impossible (outrageous prices and such). And email would not have existed. I’m sure I would not have the same relationship with family as I am now privileged to have because of easy communication access.
These are just my thoughts for the day. :)
Keep up the fabulous work everyone else! And thanks for reading!
Even without the media, I'm still procrastinating...
For one, you can be whomever you like, if you choose. Two, some people use it more as a way to just stay in touch rather than to broaden their social network, which leaves more excuse not to physically see each other. Three, there is a loss of sincerity through instant messaging and social networking...Sometimes in order to make an impact words need to be spoken, not just written. There are some who paint with words, but very few who actually can create a clear picture.
Using it to stay in touch can be useful, especially when it comes to extended family and colleagues. I guess you could say for some there is an ego boost involved with having a certain number of friends or long as they're not arrogant, I would say that's a pro. Self-confidence is always a pro, just don't cross the fine line.
If there are any grammar or spelling errors, I'll edit them tomorrow or something. I'm just tired and it's now 1 in the morning. Ha, not only am I depriving myself of media, but I'm depriving myself of sleep! YAWN!
Goodnight, Moon
-Holly Doll
Who stole my identity?
First SOMEBODY stole my identity unless there is another Brent out there who watches TV and plays Halo. (Not me!) See post No media for Brent : Day 1
Anyway, this is the REAL Brent Harris and here is how my terrible day went thanks in part to Prof. Lopez.
I started off thinking "this will be no big deal. I've gone without my phone for a week. My car radio has never worked. Ha! was I ever wrong. On Friday night I sent my last mass text for the weekend. I had my text and calls forwarded to my mom and little brothers phone and promptly put my cell phone under the bed and haven't touched it since. However my little mind seemed to forget we're in the 21st century, not the 20th.
(First picture is 10 hrs, second pic is 15 hrs)
I forgot I never really talk to people in person, I just text. In fact if they had a device that ONLY had text messaging and no calling device I would own that instead of my cell phone. Also ALL my friends numbers are in my phone, plus I don't know how to talk to people on the phone. One of my favorite things to do is to mass text. Its how I know where my friends are hanging out that night.
My second problem came to listening to the radio. Remember I don't have a radio in my car, but i listen to it online very often or at home. I listen to it especially when I'm doing my homework. While working on a five page paper for sociology I was forced to create my own mental "playlist" and sing to myself; very entertaining.
I don't really use social networking that often, however I'm always checking my personal e-mail. I've always thought that if somebody sends you an e-mail, they think your important. I like feeling important. Today I DID NOT check my personal email account even once
My family knows about this project to they became like referees, helping and guarding me from any and all temptation.
I am glad to say I passed today probably with a 96% of avoiding that "wicked" mass media :~).
Tomorrow will hopefully be easier. I will be at church most of the day, but only time will tell. As the anchor from the bad movie prof Lopez made us watch would say... "GOOD NIGHT & GOOD LUCK!"
Day 1: The cake is not a lie

-Alex Casanova
An Evening of Extraordinary Circumstance: Day 1

I was tested immediately when I left for work in the morning. As I stepped out of my front door, there was a package waiting for me. That package: The Flatliners’ new album. I’ve been waiting for this record for months. I caressed it a few times and tucked it away. I drove to work in silence. It was particularly grating since my timing belt has been squealing relentlessly lately, and that was the soundtrack to my drive. Work was no better. I usually have my iPod in my ears for the whole eight hours. Today? Silence. It’s a lot harder to ignore the people you don’t like when you don’t have an excuse to “not hear them.” I checked my email a few times, and saw notifications of messages and comments from friends on Facebook. I almost can’t stop thinking about what I’m missing. Are they urgent messages? Is my long lost twin brother trying to contact me via social networking? It’s not too far-fetched. It happened to my brother-in-law. Seriously. It’s probably just my friends making penis jokes and Mitch Hedberg references, but I still want to read them. I feel like a drug addict. Except instead of shakes and vomiting, I’m just a nerd.
Back at home, it’s torture. There’s no one here, and with no record player or TV, it’s deadly silent. I love to read, but I need background noise. I have hundreds of books that would breeze me through this weekend, but I need TV and music to enjoy them. Ironic, huh? I have lots of texts going unanswered. Many angry friends, no doubt. I’m too lazy to explain this whole thing to anyone. To satisfy my media craving, I try to watch the news, but all they’re talking about is the oil spill and Tiger Woods. Glenn Beck is on FOX News, but he’s not an option because to the best of my knowledge, I’m not retarded. I’m going to go to Half Priced Books and read for free. Any chance they’ll be playing the new Flatliners record there?
What Class Is This Again?
Epic Fail
Good Luck!
-Amanda Rangel
Jack Nicholson is a Bear king and therefore is stronger than horses.
I woke up this morning and got a minolta maxxium 7000i for free. it came with filters galore and 4 wonderful lens. I spent my day in the woods taking pictures of animals and such. This is a 35mm film camera i also have my Nikon D70. This has been a large distraction but thus far I'm pretty bummed about not being able to jam to music in my car. Since this project hasn't affected me too much. This is not my main post.
Also I have thought of facebook status all day that i would have posted but can't so i started writing them down.
"Can't feed my facebook addiction so i diverted to my McDonalds frappe addiction. i drank 4 Carmel frappes today and 6 yesterday, you do not want to know how many mocha frappes i drank"
"Played pokemon in my imagination. Mewtwo is so much easier to catch there."
"ate some cinnamon sticks"
"thought i saw Keanue Reaves in the park but it ended up being Brendon Frasier. Sigh"
I think I am going to send these by mail to facebook land to see if my status would update.
well i got to go play imaginary pokemon and blink really fast while spinning in a chair. By the way this is not my main post for Saturday.
Catch you cool cats on the cool side of cool town.
Saturday May 1st
Media Deprivation Project Guidelines
1. To see just how powerful that stranglehold is on our daily routine.
2. To discover the advantages of being free of mass media’s many distractions.
3. To leave our cocoons of indoor media consumption and be more active, more social!
The following guidelines will help you determine when you can and cannot use a form of mass media in your daily routine. Media Deprivation begins when you wake up on Saturday and ends when you wake up on Monday (you can still use an alarm clock).
• DO use your cell phone and/or telephone for basic contact purposes. You may call or text message but only if it’s for an important reason. Use your better judgment here.
• DO NOT pass the time texting or talking to someone. Only text if it’s urgent.
• Finally, DO NOT use your cell phone for web surfing, SOCIAL NETWORKING, or gaming. You may check email, but no games, videos, Facebook, MySpace, et al.
• DO use your computer/laptop for educational purposes such as writing papers, doing research, checking email, et al.
• But DO NOT use it for recreational purposes such as gaming, online shopping, fantasy sports, SOCIAL NETWORKING, file-sharing, etc. Academic purposes only!
• DO NOT listen to the radio, stereo, or any MP3 players under almost any circumstance.
• The only instance you can listen to music is if you’re at a restaurant/bar/party and there happens to be music playing in the background, so social situations are encouraged.
• DO NOT listen to your iPod or stereo while working out or studying, and DO NOT listen to the radio while driving. NO MUSIC!
• DO NOT watch any TV or DVDs under almost any circumstance. NO VIDEO GAMES!
• The only instance you can watch TV is if you’re at a restaurant/bar/party and there happens to be a TV playing in the background. Going to the movies is acceptable too.
• DO read the newspaper, but only the print edition.
• DO NOT get your news online or on your phone. You may watch the news on TV.
• DO read books and magazines, both for academic and recreational purposes. Graphic novels and/or comic books are acceptable reading, too.
No media for Brent : Day 1

So I've only been awake for about 2 hours, and this media blackout already sucks. Right when I woke up I went to check my phone, and realized that I couldn't text my friend back, so I set my phone back down. Ok, time to hop on the internet and kill some time. Oh, wait... What makes this suck even more is my inability to be able to play the Starcraft 2 and Halo reach beta I just got in to the other day. I hadn't fully realized how big of a role mass media devices had in my life until this morning, when I realized how much it sucks not to be able to use the internet, TV, music or cell phones. So for the past two hours I have taken a shower, literally looked at my wall for about five minutes, and then I started to read The Hobbit again, because well, it's probably my favorite book and what else is there to do? I'll probably get a ton of reading done though, which is awesome because I have about 4 or 5 books I really have been putting off reading. At least we can read graphic novels and comic books too, or else I'd really lose it. I'm sure some people will lie in these blogs about how hard it is without internet and TV, as they click back over to Facebook and turn Jersey Shore back on, but I plan on seeing this through. I've always wanted to give something like this a try, but never really had the desire to do so until it was made necessary for Mass Comm. So now I'm going to go back to reading The Hobbit and eating my Hot Pocket. Farewell comrades. (Pic somewhat related)

"Without music, life would be a mistake."
I forgot to mention I saw peacocks! I'm attaching a picture! I didn't go too close, because I think they're wild...
-Holly Doll