Monday, May 3, 2010

day 2.

Sunday for me was so much easier than saturday, with the simple reason that sunday is the day to be spend only with your family. Plus usually on sundays my friends are recovering from the night before so we dont talk or text to each other on sundays, we only stay in touch via facebook. Another fact that made it easier for me to not use my phone, is that i got on a fight with my boyfriend saturday, so there was no point on talking on the phone with him, (haha which is sad, but oh well). My family once again, helped me a lot to stay away from facebook!, because it was one of my cousin's birthday, so i went to her house to celebrate her, and i stayed there for a very long time, i spent a great time over there, i enjoyed the mariachis and the food!! obviously they had music, which i enjoyed so much! i think media is indispensable to everyone's live, we all need our phones, in case of an emergency, we need the internet to keep in touch with those friends and family, but maybe i have to appreciate more of the quality time with my family, because one thing i learned from this two days is that media keeps me from enjoying those special moments with them. i like this project :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked the project, Gisela.

    Not many of my students do LOL.
