Day two is upon me and again, as I had stated before in my original post, is going to be a breeze. I am in the midst of finals, finishing up a dreaded English paper due, making sure the stupid MLA formats are applicable in every facet. Finals and work will be taking up the majority of my time as it normally does on a weekly basis.
When you really take the time to think about some things, you wonder what life would be like right now without all this technology. There wouldn’t be as much crime, fraudulent activities, or a lazy society to deal with. I have noticed people are lazier than ever and not to mention they have lost their common sense. It’s absurd to see people throw a fit over having to physically look up information in a text book or perhaps even flip through the yellow pages. I actually heard someone say, “What’s a yellow book?” Holy cow I wanted to smack them beside the head. I used to laugh when my parents would say negative things about technology and how it’s going to have a negative impact on society in certain aspects. Now I can see where they are coming from.
As the years passed, I started noticing people younger than myself slipping away into their IPod’s, Iphones’, gadgets of things and now social media sites. From time to time I have to tell my niece and nephew to put away all that crap when they are visiting with family. I think it’s absolutely disrespectful for kids to have them out at a dinner table or sitting with family in general. When I was growing up, there was no such thing as an MP3 player, or a Sony Playstation 3, or satellite stations. I had a bike, a BB gun and an Atari to play Pacman with. My free time was spent outside causing trouble, or building ridiculous ramps to jump off of with our bikes. Parents back then had to worry about kids not breaking their bones or staying out too late. Now parents have to worry about station ratings, internet content and filter settings on just about everything along with passwords. I liked it when things were simple back in the day. I think with technology people take a lot of things for granted. I still like to shut myself out of our fast paced world and go out for a hike. Or even something as simple as taking a road trip somewhere I haven’t been and taking an actual map to look at different routes to take rather than a GPS. I hate GPS systems! I still use my road map which I keep faithfully in the trunk of my car, even though I have a GPS navigation screen, most of the time it’s turned off. I find the illuminating screen rather annoying when I’m driving.
I have to blog now before it gets any later since I have five other classes to study for finals week and go to work at night. I hope people in our class can see the rewards of removing themselves from media and actually living their life to enjoy their surroundings. See everyone in class soon!
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