Monday, May 3, 2010

Odd weekend for bad news

The project was easier on sunday because i had a lot planned. i was moving into my new apartment and i got some pizza with friends. I spent most of the day just hanging out with friends and overall didn't feel too much desire to be on facebook or check the news. There was one moment where i played GTA 4 for like an hour without realizing it. What happened was I was hanging out with my friend Derek and we were at his place. He received a phone call and passed me the controller. I just started instinctively playing for some reason. I played for awhile until someone turned on the news. I immediatly jumped up and said "oh I'm not supposed to watch the news".  I then dropped the controller and yell vulgar words and said "I'm not supposed to play video games ether".  It was around that time that the ice cream truck came and we go ice cream. What i did notice was that i got a lot more done this weekend than most weekends. My weekend went south when my girlfriend called me telling me she has leukemia.  That was the only time I intentionally broke the rules. Overall this experience made me realize that I rely on mass media extensively. 

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