Tuesday, May 4, 2010

im trippin
Basically like i said earlier i dont have internet at home, thats why I couldnt blog (even though im addicted now.. can you tell by all the comments I post? Anyway I'm gonna be honest about the media deprivation project for sunday... i didnt participate in the media deprivation project for sunday (lmao)
woke up and listen to damien marleys' "welcome to jamrock"
not the song, the album, yes the whole album (lol)
I went down to eat breakfast and turned on the t.v. like it was the normal thing to do.
All day I used my phone except when that certain person texted and then all of a sudden I couldnt use my phone anymore.
I actually had a powerpoint due at midnight which I needed to go on facebook to ask a question about AND the powerpoint needed multiple youtube music video clips.
So afterwards I swing by a friends house and watch the game from the tivo and realize that I'm suppossed to not be involved with the media so I bounce out of the real fast and go home and study for my finals..
At this point in time I'm on god mode with the deprivation..
Females txting me and I deny them! haha so proud of myself, except for a party invite I had to see what was up with that otherwise it was a strong finish.
Shout out to all who followed the rules you guys are gangsters!!
Saturday morning: I wake up and find myself oddly rebellious to any change in my normal routine. I find myself making excuses about why I can make this phone call and I tell myself that calling my best friend is “urgent”. Dang! I thought I had more self-control than this! I survive the day with only two mishaps; listening to the radio in my car before I realize “Oops, I’m not supposed to do this!”, and the “urgent” call to my best friend to report the day’s events. –I’m so ashamed of myself. I really thought this would be easy for me; I have long looked at the entertainment business and forms of media as addicting and a distraction to real life and have enjoyed the sense of superiority my keen observations have granted me.
Way to go introspective. Okay, I may be a little more dependent on multimedia than I first believed. I mean, you’re talking about a person who hasn’t had cable in over 5 years and didn’t own a cell phone until a year age. I really believed that I was the last of a dying breed…Until my husband bought me a Blackberry. Now I cannot go to the supermarket without constant contact with home base and 24 hour access to my two email accounts, not to mention facebook. What have I turned into?!
Not being able to communicate with someone unless you’re face to face is horrifying. I mean, who has the time nowadays? -- (or the gas) WE do all sorts of thing to keep in touch, but at the same time disconnect from each other. Our communication is more surface, --superficial. For example: 1. the email—a lazy way of sending a card or a way to avoid an entire conversation. 2. The text—convenient way to crack corny jokes (LOL) and not get in trouble at work. 3. Facebook/Myspace—a convenient way to crack corny jokes (LOL). I hope this adventure is soon over.
Saturday Night: My husband decided to forgo the Saturday night TV and suffer with me. He turns off Saturday Night Live and joins me in the kitchen. What ensues is a 3 hour long conversation/debate, complete with water/bathroom breaks. Whew! Who knew we could talk that long! We actually learned something new about each other and I had a mini- meltdown. However, we actually talked our way out of the problem. Maybe there is something to this..,
super late
sunday wasnt as bad as i thought, i actually didnt even bother taking my phone with me anywhere that day, when i came home the 4 text messages grew too 9 new messages and 6 missd calls. didnt think i was that popular :D, just kidding on that by the way.
Beacuse of this project made me happy to realize that im not attached to my phone as much as i use to be when i had my iphone, my current phone is such a down grade from my iphone that got stolen so i dont really care to much for this phone, its only to keep in contact with people and thats it. i enjoyed this project and prolby will go a few days with out useing my phone or any tv or computer just for the fun of it as agood state of peace.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Chevy Chase was in my face!
Well Sunday was not too bad I would get it was a big improvement from Saturday! I woke up that morning from my cell phone like I did the previous day. I got ready for work again with out music so I did make great time getting to work considering I had to wake up earlier then I did on Saturday. I drove to work with out the radio listening to my crappy car once again! This time the drive was a little more peaceful maybe it was because it was early Sunday morning and not many people are on the road. Since I was opening the store today the only thing I turned on was the TV because my co-workers wanted to watch something while to store was slow. I will admit I did watch TV only because I was done with reading what I found interesting in the new issue of TIME. I watch some parts of some Chevy Chase movie the on where his family goes to Vegas; I forgot the name of that movie.
For lunch I avoid driving to pick up food so I had a co-worker get my food for me. While I was eating I did end up watching videos on you tube from here phone. I couldn’t resist because it was some baby doing the “stanky leg” and I needed a laugh! During my time at work I eventually turned on the radio only because there was nothing to watch on TV. I also was texting more on Sunday then I was on Saturday!
When I got home I did check my Facebook again! I know it was too hard to resist because I had to get online to post this!! I did not check my Myspace! So that was half a goal achieved! I went with my best friend to our other friend’s house and we did jam out to some music! But I did not watch any TV there! Later that night I did watch the news which is something I already do but the original Twilight Zone came on and I watch them! I don’t think that show should count or anything on Turner Classic because those are shows from way back in the day way before all the technology we use now. I did end up talking on the phone later that night.
What I learned from the project is that I am way more addicted to Facebook then I originally thought. My most used form of communication is through text messaging. Music is something that very hard to avoid its everywhere. J Will I change any of my habits? Probably not!
Only the music remains
Okay so Sunday was a lot harder than Saturday. Sunday I had absolutely nothing planned except for working. I woke up to text messages from a certain somebody so there was no way I could ignore those texts. One rule already broken and I had just woken up. Then I took a shower and got ready while following all the rules. After I was ready I got a text to my phone saying that there was new pictures of me tagged in Facebook from the concert. So of course I had to get on and check if I looked decent in them or I was going to untag myself. After I checked out the pictures I was going to update my status but i stopped myself and got off. After that I seriously sat on the couch and just watched my mom plant cotton and do her crops in Farmville. I was dying of boredom when normally I would have been watching television or downloading music. Finally 3:00 came around and I was actually ready to go to work so i could hear some music and actually do something. When I got to work I found out I was an extra so I actually got to turn around and go home. It turned out being a good thing considering I had two finals due the next day and I hadn't started on either one of them. The next couple of hours i was occupied with my finals so the tempation of using mass media didn't even phase me. After I was finally done with those I had to go to my friend Amber's house to do a group project which kept me even busier. After I got home and showered I did get pretty bored and found myself on facebook. I swear facebook is what messed me up most in this media deprivation. Overall I could have done better but I could have done worse too. I'm just glad that now I can text on my phone or update my status on Facebook and not feel guilty about it! Well now i'm off to school again to take my philosophy final and I'll be jamming to the radio the whole way there!
The Sabbath
In the periods of my fishing voyage when the fish were sparse and my patience low I dug into the words of Hunter S. Thompson. He is a genius. I can not imagine giving up my books. No matter how many people may be around in the depths of a great book there is solitude.
When busying myself in the outdoors the world of media rarely if ever enters my mind. When inside a home boredom soon sets in and I pray for ESPN. It seems so funny how the environment to which you place yourself in determines the need for media. I imagine that if there was lone teepee with a television in the Cherokee village it would be the emptiest teepee of all. Then again, maybe there would be a waiting list scribbled in the dirt to enter. This I highly doubt.
I will not likely repeat this mass media deprivation. I will use my computer less for meaningless surfing, mindless games, and pointless social networking. I will not miss a San Antonio Spurs game. Manu Ginobili can score forty points on any night.
Day 2
I'm definitely excited to have my media freedoms restored. Out of the "bondage" I have a newly restored appreciation of the accessibilities we take for granted on a daily basis. For instance, I had to actually use an "old fashioned" map to find my way to a birthday party instead of relying on my navigation system. I was 30 minutes late arriving, but proud of myself nonetheless.
I noticed that I was more excited to arrive to church Sunday morning than usual. Perhaps I was desperately missing music. So much so, that we even returned for night service!
These past 48 have been very testing of my will power. I'm beginning to question why I rely so heavily on media and the crucial role it plays in my daily life. I must credit this experiment with all the work I achieved over the weekend. My house is cleaned top to bottom. My yard is freshly landscaped. My garage is organized. I even made it to the bottom of the laundry hamper (which existence I was questioning)! I highly doubt whether I would have completed these tasks if I was glued to my electronics all weekend.
Media depravation has been enlightening for myself as well as my family. Our eyes have truly been opened. We see how the simplest changes can make the biggest difference in the quality of our lives. My children will be standing over my grave one day. I want them to recall the memories we shared as a family, not the time I spent connected to media.
P.S.: this is being posted late because I worked 8:30-6:30 today.
A new realization...
-Holly Doll
On a different note, the first half of the day was spent outside with my kids playing with balls, bats, and hoola hoops. I got downright childish and goofy. My husband and his two cousins watched and occasionally interacted with a ball fake or hit. It was fun. It was then that I realized that we probably wouldn’t be doing this if I had decided to stay home with my computer. I love the computer; I do all my projects on it and I sometimes yearn for a moment alone so I can spend time with it without interruption. I like to let my creative juices flow. I get carried away with the technology I have because it gives me the ability to dream and create right within my home so that sometimes I forget that I have to stop and give my family a piece of me. All they want is time and attention. Just being there doing the normal routine isn’t enough and doesn’t replace real quality time and face-to-face interaction.
The project was great because it let me know just how much control I had and just how much media I’m willing to give up, --which is hardly. I see media as changing the face of everyday life and I don’t see the world going backwards from here. I think media can be abused if we allow our world only to become about entertainment and artificial stimulation, but if we use media in a responsible way, for our work and for our convenience, then it greatly enhances our lives.
Odd weekend for bad news
48 hours.
Day 2 - The Not-So-Bad Day
Day 2 wasn't nearly as bad as day 1 was simply because of the fact that I slept in until about 3:50 PM and Sunday is normally my chore day. I ignored my phone completely and even walked by all of my gaming consoles without glancing at them. I was so proud of myself. :D
I sat at the table downstairs and had a discussion with my room mate. When did we become so reliant on the electronic media devices we surround ourselves with everyday?
I reflected on my past a little before giving my explanation on the whole ordeal. I remember trying to fight off the whole social networking craze when MySpace became a huge deal because I wasn't into the idea of being stalked online. The most I would do on a computer internet-wise was casual gaming. I wasn't even much of a gamer from the beginning, to be honest.
It all began with the console gaming craze in the 90's. I saw that a Pokemon game had come out for the Nintendo 64 and immediately jumped on the idea of asking for the console (and game) for Christmas. I would play the Nintendo 64 for maybe a half an hour before I was running outside to play with my friends in no time.
But when the consoles kept getting better and the games getting filled with more fun it was hard to resist when my dad got me my very first Playstation X and it even came with a couple multiplayer games. That was when I began inviting friends inside my house to play video games with me.
Soon enough I got caught up in the wave of keeping up with Joneses and I absolutely had to have every new Sony or Nintendo console that graced the shelves.
The internet soon became a slow, but steadily rising, addiction to my daily life. When friends forced me to get a MySpace I was instantly hooked. I learned to work my way around HTML just to make fancy profile layouts for my very own profile. Now, if you name the social network I definitely have an account with it- even if I don't use it.
Our discussion ended with us promising to go out and do more this summer. It's sad, but the only thing we remember from last summer was playing World of Warcraft and going to the beach.
Yeah, our own summer (the very thing we look forward to) was pretty much blown away by our addiction to online gaming.
I spent the rest of my Sunday practicing my monologue for my Acting class and even giving Julius another bath since he got in the mud. I put a bandanna on him!

Sure, some of my bored moments could have been fixed by playing some Final Fantasy XIII, but I digress...
I got to reconnect with old friends, spend quality time with my parents, clean up my stuff, spend time with the dog, reflect on past memories and, most of all, didn't spend my entire weekend glued to facebook. :D
Though I would most likely not do this project again (willingly), I can say that I honestly learned a bit more about myself and I do vow to go out and do more with my life then let it waste it away behind the screen.
Day Two...
Day 2
At this point the hardest battle remained with listening to music, especially in the car. Driving both thirty minutes to school and/or to work has completely put me in the habit of jamming out from the point I turn my car on, till it is off. I’ve been hearing noises from my car I never even knew it could make, not to mention how slow the time passes in traffic. Normally, the only reason I wouldn’t be listening to music in the car is if I was on the phone. When I’m driving to/from school and work I sometimes pass the time by calling my mom or friends, but of course this is not an option either. THANKFULLY, I survived all the commutes (by cheating only a couple times).
Overall, I think on a random basis a little media deprivation wouldn’t be a bad idea. I never watch TV (on the actual television at least), and I get my news online. And although texting seems to be the most neurotic thing about my phone, it’s still not bad to have a short escape. The only aspect I never want to give up again would be the music. For all those moments (because that’s actually what they feel like) between school, then work, and then somewhere in there friends, music is the one thing that I will make time to stop and take in. At least for those few minutes my mind forces itself to find peace in what I’m hearing and hopefully put all the other crap to the side.
Day 2: The Final Countdown!!
THANKS MR.LOPEZ good end to the year!
See everyone weds!
Day 2
I pretty much just woke up on Sunday with the mindset that I wasn’t going to use any media, but I kind of slacked a bit. It was the day of my stepmom’s birthday and all of my family came over. We had mole and rice with garlic-covered shrimp. After we were finished eating, I began to watch “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” on TV. I had slipped up yet again! “Damn!” I thought to myself. So in order to hopefully redeem myself, I went the whole rest of the day without watching or listening to any form of mass media. As difficult as I knew it would be, I knew I had to do it.
I cannot reiterate how difficult this assignment was. I really wanted to go on MySpace and Facebook to check my messages and stuff, but I had to restrain myself.
This project really made me understand how much influence mass media had on my life. Mr. Lopez had told us in class that media deprivation would be like a mild drug addiction for us, and he seemed to be right, because it felt that way.
This media deprivation thing really opened my eyes and it is something I don’t ever want to do again. Not being able to watch movies, surf the internet for recreational purposes, or text message really took its toll on me.
I was very satisfied to know that I could have self-control when it came to limiting the amount of mass media I used. But when mass media is all around you, it is very hard to stay on the bandwagon.
Day Two: Ok mass media you win...
Anyways, overall I did enjoy this project much more than I anticipated. It opened my eyes to how much mass media is an important role in our everyday lives. I’m glad I found what I could accomplish while not using any forms of mass media. I think I will take some time out of my day to turn everything off and go socialize with family, friends, and just people in general. If I did not work over these past two days I would of socialized more but I believe I made the best of it and had a really did appreciate this project.
day 2 the last day!!
Today was the hardest day of all!! I went out of town for work to go help out for a track meet that my middle school had to do. While I was driving to Austin I wanted to listen to my music on the bus so that could go to sleep and not listen to all of the kids talking the whole time. When I was at the track meet I was working the long jump. The whole time that I was at the track meet I had the players trying to be calling me the whole time and play jokes on me because I was not able to use it at all.
That afternoon I was so temped to use my phone and I thought in the back of my mind that I could not use it at all and today is the last day of all of this. The hardest thing for me to do was not able to go online to check out my facebook but I could not. So I am glad that today is the last day because tomorrow is going to be the busies days for me.
That night I was really tried for the track meet and I didn’t think about it once when I got home to turn my music on or even use my phone because I didn’t want to talk to anyone or text anyone at all. So the only thing I did that night was just stay home and be lazy. The think that I am looking forward to is see my phone and see how many people have called me to see what they need for me.
So I finally get to true my phone on, check my facebook, and get to listen to my music in my car!!
Day one and day two
day 2
I know I could make it today. I woke up at 8:30 and started getting ready for church. I went to church without my phone. I got out of church at 12 and tried to look at my phone. But then remembered I left it at home but I was wanting to see who left me a message or called. But I went to my cousin house because we were going to go eat. He was changing and I had the same clothes on. He turned the tv on when we got there but I turned it back off. He changed and came in the living room and found me sitting in silence and he found it ver strange. So I told him about the project and he laughed at me. So I was driving to the place so I still couldnt have any music. So when we got to the place I enjoyed the music and the television they had as much as I could. So we decided to go play basketball but after I post on the blog. But when I got to the house the internet in the area was down. In I dont know anywhere thats open open on a sunday. In I realize that a lot of people wouldnt have a computer if they didnt have the internet. Because I wouldnt lol. But we went to play basketball about 6 after I took a nap and we stayed there for a while. So I made it though the day today. But the first day I couldnt do it. But I made it through half lol.
Day Two-Media Withdrawals
Day 2
I worked mostly all day Sunday so I didn't watch any TV and I did not use the internet at all... I was so proud of myself.
I learned that its so easy to rely on all this media especially internet because it is quick, a lot quicker than looking up in a book information or making phone calls to companies when you can simply go online and do things. I am going to try not to use my internet as much, especially online shopping. And I am trying not to text as much anymore. Listening to music in the car was the easiest to give up, and I found my self driving without music today even though the project is over. That really shocked me being as how much I LOVE music and singing in my car.
I think I made the deprivation feel a lot harder than it actually was and if more people would deprive themselves here and there it would be easier for everyone to not text as much. Because everyone texts, I couldn't find another way to communicate with some of my other friends so instead I just ignored them all weekend... but they are still great friends and didn't take it personal! :]
day 2.
day two...
Over all Sunday wasn’t nearly as bad as Saturday since I wasn’t stuck driving round delivering pizzas alone I didn’t go to crazy without media. Not gonna lie this was a hard project and I can’t even imagine 72 hours with out media
Day Two: Here We Go Again...A Little Harder.
Later in the afternoon, I decided to chill by painting and drawing. Okay...I'm really no good at painting and I never do it anyways...but it was even worse this time 'cause I was using crappy paint and paint brushes. Ha ha. I would post a picture of my painting...but I don't want to embarrass or humiliate myself any more...ha ha.
On my way to church Sunday evening I wanted to drive my car. But my dad wanted to drive it too. So he drove and as soon as he started up the car, one of my favorite songs was on the radio station I listen to. This was nice, because if I had been driving, I would've been forced to turn it off. :)
After church, some friends came over to my house. This was very nice and fun - just hanging out with friends, talking, eating, and having a good time. Unfortunately, they had to leave earlier than I had hoped...and this is where things got somewhat tough. My friends left and I was very tired. My family was about to start a movie - some chick flick - and all I wanted to do was relax, watch a movie, and eat ice cream. Ah...no! I could not though! No movies! Not even with my family? *Sigh.* I moped to my room sad and lonely. This actually turned out nice though. I just sat there in my room and began writing in my journal...yay! :)
I then got a welcomed phone call from a long distance cousin I haven’t talked to in a couple of weeks.
All in all, it turned out to be a pretty good day. I still struggled a little with the music thing. And going to my room by myself instead of watching a movie with my family was hard. But I made it. :)
And…it’s already two o’clock Monday afternoon, and I still have not been on Facebook or used the internet for recreational or social purposes! YAY ME! :)
My friends and family took advantage of my absence from Facebook and, from what I hear, have been “spamming” my Facebook wall. They wanted me to wait to look at it though till tonight when I see them so they can witness my reaction. Ha ha! Oh boy!
Well, great job everyone and see you in class! :)
Day two of deprivation
Day 2
I just went to my aunts house and spent some time with my little cousins, haven't really been spending time with them as much as I use to. It was funny because my little cousin Lee Andrew, who is 8, kept trying to get me to play video games with him. I kept trying to tell him that it was more fun to go out and play basketball or football. When we went outside to play, it was amazing to me that he didn't really know much about either sport. When I was his age, basketball and football were my life. I would go out there everyday and play after school and on weekends no matter how hot it would get, and sometimes it would get VERY hot outside. As I was explaining the rules to him, I started thinking if this is the way it is with all the kids out there these days. With so many new videos games, TV shows, and the computer; it's no wonder why my little cousin didn't know much about being active.
I really don't mean to attack anyone, but to me that it doesn't seem right that someone would just lock themselves away going nothing but playing video games and getting on the computer all day. I felt so bad to see my eight year old cousin not being very active and just being inside all day. I almost wanted to go up to my aunt and start telling her off about it. I don't think it's right that kids aren't given any motivation to get up and be active anymore. To me, it's as if the world is allowing them to just sit around all day playing videos games all day. My dad, God rest his soul, used to always tell me to go out and play with all the other kids and make new friends. It almost got to a point where he used to force me to go outside and be active, he never wanted me to be lazy or not want to do anything outdoors. Sometimes he would even go out there and play with me, when he had the time. When I look back at that, I can't possibly thank my dad more for what he did for me when I was a kid. He wouldn't allow me to just sit around all day inside the house, he even tried to sign me up for pee wee football a year too early. That's something I don't see much of anymore, I don't see as many kids out on the streets playing as much as I did when I was a kid. Maybe that's just me, maybe I'm wrong. All this is just my opinion from what I've been seeing lately. This project really helped me to see how much of an impact the TVs, computers, Ipods, and all that other stuff has had in our lives. I just hope in the future this doesn't get any worse.
Felt Like I was in Church... ALL DAY (Day 2)
day one
Day two, four days.
“Guess who’s back, back again. Shadys back, tell a friend” the lyrics from Eminem becomes my theme song. I am now able to use mass media. I started on Friday and now its Monday. But as you might know from the first blog I was lost as to what I could do in my endless amount of time. Reading books sounded like a great thing to do. But the whole reason of this deprivation was to expose yourself to the world outside media jail. Even though reading books are a good thing, I thought that I should still, not really try to, because I am still using something that takes me away from engaging with others. However irony struck. I was able to gather people together at my sibling’s birthday parties. But it was through the use of movies and video games. Something I was not supposed to do. Although it was bending the rules I was still happy that it worked. Because before that, everyone was off doing their own thing until I gathered them up into one room and watched a movie and then played games together. So I used some mass media though my time of trials. Now what did I miss, or rather what did I exclude from my life. Well like you read earlier I used my phone for valid reasons, likewise some movies and games. But that took up a very small section of time throughout the media deprivation. The rest of the time I simply did not use any of it. For fun, passing the time or falling subject to the pressure. I was hard on myself to never use it unless I had to. So I did not. And after awhile it became easer and easer. In fact the burden was now freedom. No stress, no constant media gluttony. It was awesome, and the longer I was media sober the less I wanted to indulge. Sure at first the itch still comes and goes. But now looking back I am going to try to apply this to my life all the time. Yes I will still use phones, internet and music. But just not as much.
Lets be real!
Day one
This experience is interesting. Multiple reasons flood my mind as to why I either like or dislike this mass media depravation. In my own side of the experiment I was embarking upon 72 hours of zero mass media. At least that was my plan. And I am proud to say for the greater extent I succeeded. Of course there were some setbacks that flawed my perfect plan of going rogue and withdrawing myself from the world. For example I have the “unlimited” texting on my phone. The reason for this escapes me because I don’t text that much. However on this one weekend everyone wanted a piece of me. Sure some of it was just dumb things like “yo whats up” etc. (which I could ignore) but the majority of the texting (and calling I might add) involved my parents, my brother’s birthday, my sister’s birthday, can I pick up “so’en’so’s shift at work, why can I not pick up so’en’so’s shift at work………..on and on. This is quite disappointing. Sure it might seem like these valid reasons would be a great way to use my on slot of mass media devises (specifically my phone) and get away with it. However this was not true. Once I started this little experiment on Friday morning I did not really know what I was getting myself into. My use of mass media is relatively low, all things considered like my peers or the younger crowd these days and how much ‘they’ are obsessed with media vices. But once you take away all media the truth about just how much I use it is revealed. Like to pass the time, or talk to friends the list goes on. And for the first two or three hours I just sat on my bed. Not knowing what to do. Because homework, working out and sleeping could never take up 24 hours of the day, so what am I going to do? Continued on day two.
Day 2
Day2 (Sunday)
So I have come to the conclusion through this project that I have more of an attachment to my cell phone and T.V. than I could have ever dreamed of. But then again I kinda go back to the idea that since I have gone these past few years without cable T.V. I now have formed this serious addiction to WEtv and the Oxygen channel! O and TLC say yes to the dress is one of my favorite shows.
First thing in the morning we headed off to our usual Sunday morning breakfast spot, Guadalajara one of the best morning taco spots in Boerne. From there we headed to the Northern tool store in San Antonio we were looking for new chainsaws, when my step sister who is like 9 took over my moms phone and was repeatedly trying to text me. Thank goodness for this media deprivation project lol I guess that's a little mean Oops. O well : )
We decided to go to the movies and I finally got to watch a girl movie!!!!! We watched The Back Up Plan, it was actually really funny. Justin can not even get out of this one he liked it he laughed the entire time! It was not what I was expecting at all it was better than i thought it would be. So this is how i full filled my T.V. craving for the past two days!!!!
When we got back to Boerne we were a little hungry so we decided to go to Dairy Queen. Snickers Blizzards are the best!!!!! While we were here my annoying step sister continued to pester me with the little text messages. So I had to brake down and call my mom and tell her what was going to so she would knock it off!
When we got home I thought I had got my fix of watching T.V. from the movies but I broke down and watched emergency in the E.R. ( I think that's what it is called.) but is that considered educational since I am going in to the nursing field? but I did do something productive when I watched it I got all my laundry done. : )
Well concluding this project I do realize I enjoy my media but I will say that I know that there are people out there who are more addicted to it than I am.
But I was really happy to get my Rachel Ray fix in this morning!!! : )
Project Day 2

When you really take the time to think about some things, you wonder what life would be like right now without all this technology. There wouldn’t be as much crime, fraudulent activities, or a lazy society to deal with. I have noticed people are lazier than ever and not to mention they have lost their common sense. It’s absurd to see people throw a fit over having to physically look up information in a text book or perhaps even flip through the yellow pages. I actually heard someone say, “What’s a yellow book?” Holy cow I wanted to smack them beside the head. I used to laugh when my parents would say negative things about technology and how it’s going to have a negative impact on society in certain aspects. Now I can see where they are coming from.
As the years passed, I started noticing people younger than myself slipping away into their IPod’s, Iphones’, gadgets of things and now social media sites. From time to time I have to tell my niece and nephew to put away all that crap when they are visiting with family. I think it’s absolutely disrespectful for kids to have them out at a dinner table or sitting with family in general. When I was growing up, there was no such thing as an MP3 player, or a Sony Playstation 3, or satellite stations. I had a bike, a BB gun and an Atari to play Pacman with. My free time was spent outside causing trouble, or building ridiculous ramps to jump off of with our bikes. Parents back then had to worry about kids not breaking their bones or staying out too late. Now parents have to worry about station ratings, internet content and filter settings on just about everything along with passwords. I liked it when things were simple back in the day. I think with technology people take a lot of things for granted. I still like to shut myself out of our fast paced world and go out for a hike. Or even something as simple as taking a road trip somewhere I haven’t been and taking an actual map to look at different routes to take rather than a GPS. I hate GPS systems! I still use my road map which I keep faithfully in the trunk of my car, even though I have a GPS navigation screen, most of the time it’s turned off. I find the illuminating screen rather annoying when I’m driving.
I have to blog now before it gets any later since I have five other classes to study for finals week and go to work at night. I hope people in our class can see the rewards of removing themselves from media and actually living their life to enjoy their surroundings. See everyone in class soon!
Day 2: Media Deprivation
Sunday I think was harder for me despite really only being around the mass media for about six hours.
Once again I finished my 5 page paper without ANY music which is a miracle. (If I do badly on it, I’m blaming you Prof. Lopez… JK)
This is what I normally look like when I'm not doing Media Deprivation
Also it nearly KILLED me not to read the Sunday paper. I’m one of the few Americans left that will read the Sunday paper nearly cover-to-cover excluding ONLY the Real Estate section. I watched in torment as my family sifted through the newspaper.
Once again the no-use cell phone part was really hard. I just wanted to send a text….just even one text message…but I resisted the temptation not to.
I learned a lot about media deprivation this week. I learned when you have something readily available such as the Internet, the news, or a cell phone, its harder to give it up. I can promise you that five years ago, for me personally this project would have been really easy. I wasn’t really that dependent on the mass media to keep me informed, and I didn’t own a cell phone. I would dare say I could have done this project three years ago without much problem.
This project made me think about some of the people in 3rd world countries who don’t have these things. They still live life with a land-line telephone, many don’t know what the internet it, and their only news is by word-of-mouth or the local newspaper. I realized that they can live life this way because they’ve never experience the above things for a long period of time (2-3 years of consistent use).
When I look back at this project later in life, I will be thankful for it. In fact, I’ll probably have my kids try it out when they’re older. (Note: I don’t currently have any kids, and NOT expecting any anytime soon…) It’s a great project that can teach you a lot.
I know it’s already morning but once again Good night and good luck on all your finals and your classes this week.
Sunday, May 2, 2010 - Day 2
After eating at the restaurant “Mom’s place”, I went back down to my house to join my hungover boyfriend (the beer gods had mistaken him for me it seems). He bugged me for most of the day to turn on the TV. “No one will know,” he said. I know that but still… I’m really trying not to cheat on this project as easy as it would be. I want to know if media really is so big in my life. Well so far… IT IS!!!! And I’m having major withdrawals. If I could have my music, I would be fine, but without that, I really do not know what I should do on my days off from school and work other than my norm. It’s a beautiful day outside, but what could I do? What should I do? Everything cost money when you go out and money is something I do not have right now. Staying home is great but not when it is engulfed in silence!
I found my book that I had been holding off on reading due to school so I took the time to finish it. In a few hours, I fell asleep due to the lack of sleep from the night before. My boyfriend woke me up to ask me what I wanted for dinner. He went off to the kitchen to cook up some bacon and eggs. He watched TV while I struggled to read my book again. I could hear the TV in the background, and as tempting and frustrating it was to stay out of the kitchen, I was able to endure. The book was read and I was back into sitting around, wondering what to do with myself. Finally, dinner was cooked and my boyfriend and I sat in silence as we ate. My boyfriend making it very clear to me that he really hated this project and how he could not wait till it was over.
Once dinner was over and cleaned up, I went back to lying around with endless possibilities of things to do that never came to mind. Laundry was already being done and the house was clean enough. So the rest of the night, I felt that the best thing I could do was to sit around and annoy my boyfriend. By the way Mr. Lopez, my boyfriend wanted me to relay the message that he hates you.
It seems that because of the media that is currently absent from my daily routine, I find myself not able to function correctly. For the rest of the night, I laid on my bed poking, questioning and taking my boyfriend to the edge of wanting to suffocate me with his own pillow. Finally, the day had come to the end and sleep is in the near future. If only I hadn’t slept those few hours earlier, I would be ready to hit the hay but it seems it might take a bit of persuasion in my mind to give it that extra needed thought of tiredness. Taking a shower and getting ready for the act of sleep did help. As much as I wanted to stay strong through this project, I felt I did not need to put my boyfriend through anymore strain and let him watch TV before bed since that is how he falls asleep. I did indeed get something out of it too. The sweet, sweet taste of entertainment that I have been mostly deprived of for the past 2 days. I’m sorry Mr. Lopez, but I couldn’t help it.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Day One of Media Deprivation
My boyfriend picked me up around 3:00 pm that day, and while I waited for him, I felt a little stir crazy not being able to watch TV or listen to music or even get on facebook. I’ll admit though, I cracked and did get on facebook for a few minutes while I waited for my boyfriend to pick me up from my house. When we rode in his car we did listen to music from one of his CD’s, and a little bit of the radio. We went to eat at Texas Roadhouse where there is always music playing, but this made it easier for me not to pick up my phone and text. We ended up going back to his place after that where, I swear to you, the TV is ALWAYS on. So it was a little difficult for me not to watch a little of it here and there. However, once he picked me up, I was able to not use my cell phone or the internet all day until I had to call one of my friends around 9:00 pm to meet up because we were all going to the movies together to see Nightmare on Elm Street. After the movies, we all went home and my friend had been on a date with a guy and was texting me all about it and it was SO hard for me to tell her that I couldn’t text her and I would have to talk to her about it in person. She was very understanding and knew I was only doing this for school purposes but it still made me feel so out of touch with the world and with my friends. The fact that I had to ignore my friends’ texts all day and not be able to get on facebook made me feel not only out of the loop but also very lonely. I never really think about how the media has an impact on my life until I am not able to use it. It’s crazy how a simple ignored text message can end up ruining relationships and cause friendships to be challenged. I feel that if I hadn’t cracked and answered the phone when my boyfriend called (after I already texted him the deal for my comm class) then there would’ve been conflict or tension between us. However, the fact that I spent the whole day with him in person instead of just talking on the phone all day actually made things easier and more fun.
I feel that media deprivation can also help relationships and friendships because it challenges people to be more physical and be together rather than more cyber. I realized that doing things like going to the movies and going out to eat and going to the mall are more fun and exciting than sitting at home chatting on facebook or texting or shopping online. I feel that actually being able to hangout in person, without the confusions of the media, is healthier and brings you closer to your friends and boyfriends/girlfriends. Although this thought may seem very obvious, it is surprising to me really how often and how powerfully we let the media control our lives and relationships.
What I got out of this assignment on the first day is that it is possible for me not to use my cell phone, although it is the hardest thing, and it is also possible for me not to listen to the radio in the car, which is also extremely difficult. I’m glad I’m able to experience this because it has also given me a lot more time to myself to think and learn more about myself. This is something that I feel we all lose touch of with all the media that surrounds us on a daily basis and prevents us from ever being able to sit in silence and think; and that, I believe, is something we all need to do once in awhile so we don’t lose touch of who we are amidst all of the confusion of the media.
...And the World Files for Chapter 11: Day Two
The Flatliners record is still sitting, unopened, perched next to my record player. All I can do is sit and read the lyrics and credits over and over again. It’s pathetic, but it’s who I am.
An update: I cracked last night. My roommate was being loud in the next room as I was trying to sleep.. I usually drown him out with my TV, but tonight I tried to soldier through it. It didn’t work. I turned it to news, but I just ended up watching it. So, feeling ashamed of myself, I popped in an It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia DVD. It was my lullaby. Ok, on to day two:
When my girlfriend called this morning, I didn’t answer so I could hear as much of the ringtone as possible. I’m like a music fiend. I did the same thing when my boss called, except I didn’t return that call. Today wasn’t too bad. The dudes in my band wanted to practice. I didn’t know if this was a violation of the project, but since what we do shouldn’t really be considered music, I thought it would be alright. However, since half of our practice session is us playing Super Mario 3 and drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon, I knew that would be pushing it. So while they beat turtles and rode dinosaurs, I sat with my back turned and read random pieces of paper that I found in my wallet. Since I didn’t work and was hanging out with friends, I was distracted much more than yesterday.
My main temptation came in the most stupid and unexpected way. Let me explain: I like to be right. I usually am, and when anything is in question, I don’t hesitate to find the answer. My band’s drummer and I were having an argument about Pluto. I say that it’s been downgraded to a dwarf-planet. He says that it has been downgraded to nothing. A floating rock. He’s wrong! I immediately reached for my iPhone to go to NASA’s web site to prove him wrong. I remembered the phone restriction, and told him that it would have to wait. As it stands, he thinks that he’s right. This is bugging the hell out of me! I’m going to call him first thing tomorrow and let him know just how dumb he is.
So, as I expected, living without media isn’t easy by any means, but it is possible. The thing is, it’s part of our generation, and part of our culture now. We shouldn’t apologize for it, or act like it’s a fault. Embrace it, and prove your friends wrong. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take some Ambien and go to sleep so I can wake up early and listen to Cavalcade.