Saturday, May 1, 2010

Epic Fail

So I totally forgot about this project this morning until Damon told me on facebook to get off! Haha, wait...why was Damon on facebook as well in the first place?...oops! rated him out. Anyways, I had plans today so I do need my phone to go through with it and yes its school related plans. Other people are texting me and I feel like a jerk not responding back and if I even explain to them why I'm not replying they won't believe me. Not only a fail on forgetting the project but fail on being a decent friend, haha. Right now I want to get on facebook to write to people but can't so now I'm going to get ready longer than usual, maybe clean up my room, and studying for my Accounting exam coming up on monday. I want to play Star Trek Online for a break but can't so that scratches out my plan. I want to listen to Bob Dylan just like everyday but I can't do that also. Everytime I get into my car I bring my MP3 player to hook it up in the car so I can listen to it but too bad I can't listen to it through long traffic. Music to me relieves the stress and I stress out alot if things don't fall into plan. Throughout the day things have been a little off and I really want to listen to music to get rid of the stress. Alot of fails today my friends :(

Good Luck!

-Amanda Rangel


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nevermind that first comment, I had no idea your last name was Rangel. I have a friend who has your name lol

  3. Well that's interesting, haha I guess my name is pretty common.

  4. I was just checking up on my teammates, making sure yall didnt cheat........ lol

  5. What really makes this funny is the depervation project started saturday and sunday and we weren't supose to post till sunday about saturday and monday about sunday but I however got my days pushed and thought it was Saturday but it was friday....we suck

  6. Well, at least you caught yourself and had the presence of mind to get off your Facebook. I, too, forgot to kill my car stereo the first day of the project and it took about a minute for me to realize this. I turned it off, of course. At least that time I did! :)

    Oh, and good job looking out for your teammates, Damon. Amanda calls it a "good excuse," I call it good teamwork LOL!

  7. LOL, well Mr. Lopez fell for Damon's charming lie. Tisk Tisk.

    Alan, I feel even more like a failure. I guess we all "kaint git rite" haha!
