Saturday, May 1, 2010

Who stole my identity?

First SOMEBODY stole my identity unless there is another Brent out there who watches TV and plays Halo. (Not me!) See post No media for Brent : Day 1
Anyway, this is the REAL Brent Harris and here is how my terrible day went thanks in part to Prof. Lopez.

I started off thinking "this will be no big deal. I've gone without my phone for a week. My car radio has never worked. Ha! was I ever wrong. On Friday night I sent my last mass text for the weekend. I had my text and calls forwarded to my mom and little brothers phone and promptly put my cell phone under the bed and haven't touched it since. However my little mind seemed to forget we're in the 21st century, not the 20th.

This is me 10 hrs into not sending a single mass text or hearing the radio...Note the craziness of my hair!
(First picture is 10 hrs, second pic is 15 hrs)

I forgot I never really talk to people in person, I just text. In fact if they had a device that ONLY had text messaging and no calling device I would own that instead of my cell phone. Also ALL my friends numbers are in my phone, plus I don't know how to talk to people on the phone. One of my favorite things to do is to mass text. Its how I know where my friends are hanging out that night.

My second problem came to listening to the radio. Remember I don't have a radio in my car, but i listen to it online very often or at home. I listen to it especially when I'm doing my homework. While working on a five page paper for sociology I was forced to create my own mental "playlist" and sing to myself; very entertaining.
I don't really use social networking that often, however I'm always checking my personal e-mail. I've always thought that if somebody sends you an e-mail, they think your important. I like feeling important. Today I DID NOT check my personal email account even once

My family knows about this project to they became like referees, helping and guarding me from any and all temptation.

I am glad to say I passed today probably with a 96% of avoiding that "wicked" mass media :~).

Tomorrow will hopefully be easier. I will be at church most of the day, but only time will tell. As the anchor from the bad movie prof Lopez made us watch would say... "GOOD NIGHT & GOOD LUCK!"


  1. that is brent carroll lol two brents exist.

  2. ahaha ur hair!! lookin like goku!

  3. Well, Brent sounds like you went hardcore for this project, which I really respect. And the visual evidence of your struggle was a nice touch LOL. I do hope you didn't receive any super-important emails, though. Hang in there!

    Oh, and nice DBZ reference there, Damon. :D
