So I've only been awake for about 2 hours, and this media blackout already sucks. Right when I woke up I went to check my phone, and realized that I couldn't text my friend back, so I set my phone back down. Ok, time to hop on the internet and kill some time. Oh, wait... What makes this suck even more is my inability to be able to play the Starcraft 2 and Halo reach beta I just got in to the other day. I hadn't fully realized how big of a role mass media devices had in my life until this morning, when I realized how much it sucks not to be able to use the internet, TV, music or cell phones. So for the past two hours I have taken a shower, literally looked at my wall for about five minutes, and then I started to read The Hobbit again, because well, it's probably my favorite book and what else is there to do? I'll probably get a ton of reading done though, which is awesome because I have about 4 or 5 books I really have been putting off reading. At least we can read graphic novels and comic books too, or else I'd really lose it. I'm sure some people will lie in these blogs about how hard it is without internet and TV, as they click back over to Facebook and turn Jersey Shore back on, but I plan on seeing this through. I've always wanted to give something like this a try, but never really had the desire to do so until it was made necessary for Mass Comm. So now I'm going to go back to reading The Hobbit and eating my Hot Pocket. Farewell comrades. (Pic somewhat related)
is that you Brent, because i don't think you are supposed to watch tv.
ReplyDeleteon another note you do have until 2013 to re read the hobbit.
I also had that "what should i do today" and i ended up driving around and drinking Frappes. I wish i was addicted to cigarettes because they are cheaper than frappes.
MMM Hot Pocket
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ReplyDeleteWHO IS THIS? 1st I DON'T HAVE A TV, Ive NEVER played Halo or ever even seen it? Somebody has stolen my identity!
ReplyDeleteMreditor -Brent Harris Prof Lopez MW 9:30 class
Yep, I knew the no-video-games would be a doozy for a lot of you guys.
ReplyDeletebut hey, that's what the reading loophole is for. BTW, "The Hobbit" is one of my all-time favorite novels, so you picked a good one to pass the time.
Oh, c'mon! You know you watch "The Jersey Shore," Brent! J/K :)