Saturday, May 1, 2010

What Class Is This Again?

Sorry I am running behind but I had work. Tired and happy not to use any of this stuff, including the phone. going without has been so easy for me, of course unlike you guys I grew up without most of the things we have become dependant on in our efforts to discover our new world. Well you would think this would be easy for me to talk about since I talk so much any ways but I really think this assignment is a break from the new normal. Makes it simple with work since I have nothing at work that involves anything we can not use. My spare time will be spent building furniture which I love to do, making deliveries for work, and yes professor Lopez I will keep my blogs clean. Supposing for the rest of this I am just going to ramble. Hey peeps this is my Daughter Stacia. She is going to talk for a little bit cause I am desperate to reach the whole 300 count thing. Which I honestly believe is a little controlling since it is suppose to be an independent blog with free thinking involved. Hello people. I am Stacia and my dad has me on this blog thing that i have no idea what it is really about. I was rambling to him about something about what me and my mom were disputing earlier today and he asked me if I wanted to write in his blog. I asked him what it was and he told me it was just myself rambling to people. I know am good at rambling and I love to talk to random people all of the time so I thought it would be cool. So i was watching snakes on plane, and I realized that i have watched many movies that are pointless and idiotic. Oh, i am going to my neighbor's little sister's birthday party. She is really small and i don't really know how old she is going to be, maybe 3 or 4, which may be a bad thing but I didn't really think I should worry about it because I am really only friends with her older sister but the little girl loves me, but who doesn't really? I am someone who likes to talk to people and I like to be the center of attention really. That might be a bad thing sometimes but I believe that wanting people to notice you just shows that you are a social and very elegant individual. I know everyone in every school that I have been to. Not that I remember all of their names, but I have at least been introduced to them at least once. Becoming a part of many peoples lives is a very good thing. The more people you know the more they have your back. I don't judge anyone by what they look like or where they came from, however if you are annoying I would rather avoid you. Which brings me to say that I judge people by their personality. I am really annoying myself which kind of bothers me. One time I kept my mom up until midnight because I couldn't stop rambling and she had work in the morning. She works a full time job, overtime, and every Saturday, mostly. If she is lucky she will get a two day weekend but she usually sleeps it away because she works all of the time and her boss drives everyone in the office nuts, I should know, I have worked there on several occasions. I usually work there when I am out of school because I dislike being in a large box with walls and electronics all day. I am usually a quiet person when you first meet me and it takes a very long time for me to decide whether or not you can make an intelligent conversation, but then again I like talking about silly things and what people like to do the most. I haven't stopped writing since I started but I believe that is partially my English teacher's fault. She does this exercise where we have to write,for about 10-15 minutes and some days even longer, whatever comes to our minds and we can't stop. If we do stop, we fail for the participation grade for the day. It is a little more difficult to do on the computer because I'm not sure if I press the right keys and i have to make sure the spellings and punctuations are correct, and I am not sure if I even spelled that word write. I like to use long extensive vocabulary and i dislike profanity but sometimes i am unsure if I am even using the right words when I talk.

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