Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day One...

Saturday morning...i rolled out of bed (by this time it was more like mid-afternoon.) i turned on my radio, an activity that normally takes place in my daily routine. After the music had been playing for about 10 minutes, and i was some what awake to realize that i was not suppose to being listening to music because of this project...i quickly leaped over my bed and turned it off. upset because i was having to get dressed in complete silence, i shortly realized this project was not on my list of favorite things to be doing, or might i say NOT be doing on my weekend off. i got dressed, stressed at the fact that it was way too silent...silent enough for a million thoughts to be turning in my head. as i drove to town, in silence AGIAN...i became aware of just how much i NEED that little bit of radio or music in my life to feel half way normal without going insane. finally after what felt like FOREVER i made it to town thankful that i didnt have to be driving in silence any longer...i picked up a few friends and we headed to the river. Hanging out at the river made this project seem easier, and the time flew by. Before i knew it, it was time to load up and head confessing now that through out this time i had used my phone on several occassions (parting from my phone is a task all in itself!) The day was coming to an end and i felt pretty proud of radio! (almost) no phone! i had done good, but i will sure be glad when i can get my radio time back, i didnt realize how important it really was!


  1. Start singin' girl..No one will hear you. I bet you were singing by the time you started home.

  2. Good to know you took advantage of the beautiful weather we had this past weekend, Morgan.

    I need to go tubing sometime this summer. It's been way too long since I last floated.
