Sunday, May 2, 2010

The First 24 Hours A Breeze

Wow, it’s Sunday already! I apologize this is such a late blog. I have literally been consumed between working late, finishing up items for my transfer to UTSA, Veteran Affair appointments, and studying for finals. With the end of spring semester and oncoming summer session, not to mention trying to keep up with 18 hours of classes it’s been pretty hectic. It has been so hectic, that I didn’t even have a chance to pay attention to my phone, log online or even use my Ipod.
Needless to say this media deprivation project has been very easy for me considering my schedule.
The funny part of this was up until two hours ago, I didn’t even realize my DSL was down and have been on the phone with some outsourced idiot technician to ping my line and see what is wrong. Wouldn’t you believe that after all this time, my DSL company finally realized they had inadvertently revised my DSL speed which caused mayhem for my modem since Thursday. I had no idea my modem had been blinking red since that time. Well, now that I’m up and running I reflect back onto this project and can easily say it’s not too bad to be withdrawn from the “media” world. I have a television in my apartment and I can’t remember the last time I used it. My computer has solely been used for research papers, end of term papers due and submitting items to the Veterans Affairs. The last time I actually used my phone was to answer my realtor’s phone call about the closing date of my house I’ve purchased and looking at the clock since I don’t wear a watch.
When you think about media and advanced technologies, it has caused some major social culture changes. Many people have become dependent on social media networks such as Facebook and Myspace. It has changed the way people interact with each other. I personally have seen how it has changed the way my friends interact with each other. Before cell phones, wireless internet and all this jazz, my friends and I used to meet up all the time and spend hours catching up. Now people tweet, or blurb on Facebook and I don’t recall the last time we actually have all met up to socialize the way we did. I miss the casual cookouts, kicking back with some drinks, laughing and really spending some face to face time with my good friends. Now my friends actually call, text or email me to find out what I have been up to since I don’t really get into the whole social networking as much as they all do.
The only thing I have missed from this project is my music. Music is a huge factor in my life. I listen to it in my car, when I workout, doing my homework or even killing time. I love finding new music and sharing with my old DJ friends. So the only thing I look forward to at the end of this project is wiping the dust off my Ipod and uploading some great music. Perhaps I should challenge my friends to this type of project. I highly doubt they could perform 30 minutes before giving in!

1 comment:

  1. word, like going for a drive.. who still goes out for a drive? Just me i guess and whoever i trick to come with me lol
